Skilled Rehabilitation: Providing a New Lease on Life

As we age, our body goes through many changes including, but not limited to, a decline in balance, heart conditions, and joint deterioration in the knee, hip, shoulder or ankle. Personalized therapy and skilled rehabilitation programs provide help in the recovery process and gets the patient back on their feet faster after a surgery, illness or injury.

Joint Replacement Surgeries

Americans are living longer, healthier lives and, with an increase in joint replacement surgeries, a much more active lifestyle. According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, approximately 400,000 people in the U.S. have a total or partial hip joint replacement, and another 600,000 will get a new knee each year. This allows the patient a new lease on life while relieving limitations and excruciating pain.

An important step of the post-surgery and healing process is a smooth transition between a person’s stay in the hospital and home. Our community offers a team of skilled nursing care, physicians assistants, therapists, and clinicians who work together any hour of the day or night to restore strength, balance, and mobility. The Preserve community provides an environment that promotes well-being, which includes state of the art technology, expertise and caring support.

Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy

The body’s many systems, including bones, muscles, joints, eyes, inner ear and more, work together to create balance and when they are not functioning properly you may experience balance issues. A person may feel dizzy, unsteady or lightheaded, which can lead to difficulty walking or accidents related to balance.

Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy offers exercises to help compensate for an imbalance in the vestibular system. This specialized type of physical therapy will focus on head movements to engage and retrain the vestibular system, relieving the inner ear imbalance.

Post Cardiac Surgery Rehabilitation

Cardiac rehabilitation is aimed to improve your health and increase recovery from a heart attack or heart disease surgery. This type of rehab involves:

  • Exercise to promote heart health
  • Education for healthy lifestyle choices
  • Counseling to reduce everyday stress

Studies show that a cardiac rehabilitation program can reduce the risk of death due to heart disease as well as reduce the chance of future heart conditions.

The Preserve will tailor the therapy options available to meet the unique needs of our individual residents. Our programs are flexible and can be personalized to the changing needs of the individual. Our person-centered model, with emphasis on the whole person recognizes that all persons have physical, social, emotional, intellectual, occupational, and spiritual needs, regardless of their level of cognitive function. This allows our services to meet the changing needs of our residents and ensures The Preserve staff is trained on the philosophy of care that shapes policies and practices.

Our community offers a continuum of care and services. Older adults and their caregivers can rest assured that as health needs change, additional care is available on site. Contact us today to learn more about the skilled therapies mentioned above as well as others available.